The Story of The Simpatico Method

The peaceful afternoon Communication Workshop was suddenly pierced by profanity-laden yelling. The source, a large men had been triggered by something. After a very short time a stream of people came flying out of the small room where they were practicing. What happened next was amazing to witness. 

Gliding into the room, seated in her wheelchair, the workshop leader rolled right up the man and started talking to him. She had a gentle assertiveness about her. She was neither aggressive nor did she back away. Soon, he had calmed down. He had gone from an intense “bear” to a gentle “rabbit” simply by the interchange between the two of them. 

The woman, Selwa Said, had been using the listening approach she had been teaching called Tracking. After we picked our jaws up from the floor at what had transpired, we recognized how this remarkably effective communication skill had turned a potentially violent situation into a peaceful one. 

We were both students, then. From that moment on we vowed that it was imperative to spread this approach far and wide. Ergo, Simpatico Method, the “Hear Here” book, and Coaching we continue to offer.


About Arnie

Arnie Buss, P.h.D., leads clients as they learn to listen so others will speak and to speak so others will listen. Communicating effectively from the heart builds lasting and loving relationships. He teaches Effective Communication using the Simpatico Communication Method bases on the teachings of Selwa Said.

About Lee

Lee has led workshops for over three decades as well as provided mediation, support groups, and leadership training. His lively style and knowledge of The Simpatico Method is evident in his workshops. Lee is father to three amazing women and a growing number of grandchildren (5 and counting).Arnie teaches Effective Communication using the Simpatico Communication Method bases on the teachings of Selwa Said.


"Never make anybody wrong." ~Selwa Said